The holy post jesus and john wayne
The holy post jesus and john wayne

the holy post jesus and john wayne the holy post jesus and john wayne

Having lived less than 2 miles from Focus on the Family campus headquarters, New Life Church (featuring the utter hypocrisy and massive moral failings of Ted Haggard see here), and having spent 18 of my 20 years stationed at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, there are not a few touch points that caused not a little grief as I look back (see especially pp 205-218). Practically every page confronted me with the kind of Christianity I was exposed to the first few decades of my Christian life. To sum the book simply, I would say it’s an especially well-written, carefully documented annotation of what has come to define evangelicalism in America. Reviewing the perspectives, mindsets, and ideologies integral to the ongoing conflation of religion with politics in the name of Christianity in America was not easy. For me, reading through Jesus and John Wayne was an arduous task. She argues (convincingly) that a “militant white evangelicalism thrives on a sense of embattlement” (p xviii). Like it or not, these ingredients promote or facilitate nationalism, racism, sexism, white maleness, authority, and political power.

the holy post jesus and john wayne

History scholar Kristin Kobes Du Mez rehearses the ingredients of a distinctly American evangelical culture.

The holy post jesus and john wayne